
Abraham Lincoln by Kevin Wood

Bringing history –
and his story –
to life!

Community/Miscellaneous Programs

libraries, parades, conventions, & more

School Programs

from kindergarten through university

Church Programs

for churches & other Christian organizations

"Running Abe"

"Fastest Abe in the West"

Mr. Lincoln is available to do programs or make appearances in a variety of settings, including schools, libraries (see list), museums, senior residences (see list), churches, living history programs, Civil War re-enactments, parades, youth camps, conventions, fundraisers (also "fun-raisers"!), and parties.  He has appeared at events as varied as Thanksgiving celebrations, vintage base ball games, school plays, a naturalization service for new citizens, birthday parties, National Day of Prayer events, and even Valentine's Day and Sweetheart Banquets!

"Thank you so much again for your wonderful portrayal of Abraham Lincoln. Our visitors loved it and we loved it too! You do an excellent job!"

-- from a museum director in Illinois

Read more testimonials.


The suggested length for the following programs iss one hourfollowed byowed by up to 30 additional minutes for Q&A, but if desired Mr. Lincoln can do a shorter or longer program.

 Note: Mr. Lincoln also offers all of his programs via "Virtual Visits"!

Abraham Lincoln:A New Birth of Freedom

This is Mr. Lincoln's standard historical presentation, covering the entire period from Independence through the Civil War, especially the 12 turbulent years from 1854-1865. It also includes Mr. Lincoln's inspiring personal story.

ages: adults and children 8+

languages: English or Spanish

# of performances: >1,000

promotional info (pdf)

YouTube video icon video clip (excerpts)

Lincoln and Thanksgiving

Mr. Lincoln shares the story of how our national, annual observance of the Thanksgiving holiday came to be established during his Presidency. It is a reminder that despite whatever difficulties we might be experiencing, we can still find reasons to be thankful.

ages: adults and children 8+

languages: English or Spanish

# of performances: >190

promotional info (pdf)

YouTube video icon video clip (excerpts)

Lincoln as Story-Teller

Mr. Lincoln shares some of his favorite stories and jokes, and explains why he used these so often. You'll still get a good dose of both the nation's history and Mr. Lincoln's personal story.

ages: adults and children 12+

languages: English or Spanish

# of performances: >160

promotional info (pdf)

YouTube video icon video clip (excerpts)

Lincoln on Slavery, Emancipation, and Equality

Mr. Lincoln shares his ever-evolving perspectives on the subjects of slavery, emancipation, and equality, including the relationship between the races during his times (appropriate for Black History Month, around Juneteenth, or any time of the year).

ages: adults and children 12+

languages: only in English

# of performances: >70

promotional info (pdf)

Lincoln on the Gettysburg Address

Mr. Lincoln talks about his most famous speech (debunking some myths!), including the background and context to the familiar phrases, some interesting events happening at the same time, and the extremely varied responses to his speech. This program is structured more as a one-man play than a lecture.

ages: adults and children 10+

languages: English or Spanish

# of performances: >45

promotional info (pdf)

YouTube video icon video clip (excerpts)

From Obscurity to Greatness: Illinois and Lincoln, 1830 to 1861

Mr. Lincoln discusses his Illinois years, when both he and the state were transformed, growing tremendously in standing and fame.

ages: adults and children 10+

languages: English or Spanish

# of performances: >70

promotional info (pdf)

Lincoln on Immigration & America's Place in the World

Mr. Lincoln shares his experiences and thoughts on the subjects of immigration, nativism, international relations, and the global significance of the American Civil War.

ages: adults and children 12+

languages: English or Spanish

# of performances: >35

promotional info (pdf)

YouTube video icon video clip (excerpts) 


Lincoln on Leadership

Mr. Lincoln discusses 16 principles which characterized his leadership (e.g., know your principles & stick to them; acknowledge your mistakes & learn from them) and gives examples of how he exhibited these during his life and career.

ages: adults and children 12+

languages: only in English

# of performances: >30

promotional info (pdf)

YouTube video icon video clip (excerpts)

The Political Lincoln: Honest Abe on Campaigns & Elections

Mr. Lincoln describes his many interesting campaign and election experiences over a long and eventful career, during a time of political intrigue and tumult when the very destiny of our nation was at stake.

ages: adults and children 12+

languages: only in English

# of performances: >110

promotional info (pdf)

YouTube video icon video clip (excerpts)

Lincoln on Literature & the Theatre

Mr. Lincoln talks about his enjoyment of literature, including Shakespeare and poetry, and the dramatic arts, and how these influenced him throughout his life. He even shares some of his own attempts at writing poetry, some humorous and others serious.

ages: adults and children 12+

languages: only in English

# of performances: >15

promotional info (pdf)

YouTube video icon video clip (excerpts)

The "Lost Speech": Lincoln's Greatest Ever?

Mr. Lincoln discusses, and even re-creates in part, his famous "lost speech" given at Bloomington, IL on May 29, 1856 at a critical time in our nation's history and his political career.

ages: adults and children 12+

languages: only in English

# of performances: >5

promotional info (pdf)

Lincoln the Lawyer

Mr. Lincoln shares his experiences and thoughts on the law, including his own preparation; some of his most important and interesting cases; his advice to actual and prospective lawyers; and how the law and legal matters were critically important during his presidency.

ages: adults and children 12+

languages: English or Spanish

# of performances: >10

promotional info (pdf)

YouTube video icon video clip (excerpts)

Lincoln on Education

Mr. Lincoln shares his experiences and thoughts on education, including his own limited formal schooling on the frontier, his self-education through reading, and his political views and efforts related to education.

ages: adults and children 8+

languages: English or Spanish

# of performances: >5

Lincoln on Religion & Spirituality

Mr. Lincoln discusses the religious atmosphere of early nineteenth-century America and his own experiences and views on religion and the Bible, including sharing some of the many biblical references in his speeches and writings.

ages: adults and children 10+

languages: only in English

# of performances: >15

promotional info (pdf)

Program: A Visit with Mr. Lincoln! (children)

My normal program for children/youth is my standard historical program but targeted specifically to their age group.  This is similar to the program I do in schools. Depending on the ages of the kids, I place more emphasis on Mr. Lincoln's own life and history (for younger children) or more on the nation's history (for older children), but in all cases it includes both.

languages: English or Spanish

# of performances: >1,000

promotional info (pdf)

Mr. Lincoln is now also "Seņor Lincoln" and offers 8 of his 14 adult/general audience programs in Spanish, as noted in the descriptions above.  He also offers his children's programs in Spanish. Programs in Spanish, French, and German He even has one basic program as "Monsieur Lincoln" (in French) or "Herr Lincoln" (in German) which he calls Abraham Lincoln: His Life and Times, with an emphasis on his best-known speeches and writings.  Click on the link for descriptions of all of his multi-lingual programs.


  • For a program or visit up to 1.5 hours in length (normally a one-hour program followed by up to 30 additional minutes of Q&A, photos, and informal interaction): $250 base fee* plus travel expenses (calculated from Adrian, MI in the southeastern corner of Michigan). [*my base fee is $350 on Lincoln's Birthday and Presidents' Day]

  • Each additional program/hour: $100 per program/hour.

  • Discounts are available for multiple programs/visits in the same area on the same day.

  • Reduced fees are available to organizations with limited financial resources.

  • For virtual programs, the fees are the same for live programs (but no travel fees!), while pre-recorded videos are only $150.

  • Payable by check to "Kevin J. Wood", by cash, or by PayPal (if linked to a bank account and not a credit card).

  • Payment expected on date of program or within two weeks afterwards.

Check out my full list of appearances, as best I can remember. References: available upon request